A Unisaur Was Born!
Hey Everyone,
Some of you may have read our 'About Us' page and will already know the birth story of my 7th baby - The Rainbow Unisaur, For those of you who want to catch up .. read on.
So 2017 and pregnant with baby number 6 ( Yes i do have a television), baby number 5 is only 18mths and a dinosaur loving free range baby girl. We all decided that we would keep the gender a surprise since it was our last baby and we already had 3 girls and 2 boys. Trying to shop for a baby with an unknown gender was ridiculously hard and I genuinely couldn't understand why it was so difficult.
Every shop I trawled had the same Blue, Pink or Beige offerings and it just felt so boring. I eventually found a little rainbow rail in the corner of my local Mothercare 'Little Bird' the gateway to a colourful world! I bought everything that was available but I wanted more...
Late night browsing on Facebook I came across the name Maxomorra - What a Gem. I was hooked the more I looked the deeper I got. I ordered a few bits but what is with this sizing? I couldn't seem to get it right. I wanted to visit a shop, I wanted to view it all in person. So I hunted for my nearest stockist - shouldn't be too difficult considering I live in the East Midlands central to so many areas... Nope every stockist was either online only or miles away.
I thought for a while and knew I wanted to make these bright clothes more accessible, I wanted to get these clothes onto the high street and give people an alternative to the typical: Boy = Trouble Girl = Princess
My 6th baby was born on 8th December 2017 - A Baby Girl
My best friend and I signed our 1st shop (Organic Life) lease in the February and off we went to all the trade shows, baby too. Those early months I'm not sure which caused me more sleepless nights but we got through it and I was loving the shop. It gave me a focus, I wasn't just somebodies mum. I was passionate and knew the products well, there is no better feeling then helping somebody find the perfect gift and seeing the little ones faces light up as they discover all the wonderful things - and I felt so lucky that I was able to do all this with my new baby with me.
In August my best friend confessed that she wasn't loving the shop as much and that she was going to take a different route and focus on her family. I was sad and scared at the thought of progressing on my own (she is the sensible one) even though we were two separate business sharing one shop I was nervous about our future.
I decided to use this opportunity to re-brand and focus on making this a business not just a hobby. I needed a name ...Something bright - Rainbow had to be in there. Something that was recognized for boys (dinosaur) and for girls (unicorn) but that wasn't defined by gender - The Rainbow Unisaur
I absolutely adore my Red Sunflower dungarees! They make me smile!
Thank you.
We drive past your store every day, my youngest is in love with your Rainbow Unisaur in the window… he cried when it wasn’t there for a while, and was so excited when he saw it back again when we drove past yesterday.
I loved reading how you came up with the name and can’t wait till we can physically visit your store
We drive past your store every day, my youngest is in love with your Rainbow Unisaur in the window… he cried when it wasn’t there for a while, and was so excited when he saw it back again when we drove past yesterday.
I loved reading how you came up with the name and can’t wait till we can physically visit your store